Office cleaning can be a daunting task for businesses. It involves more than just tidying up. It’s about making sure that all areas are hygienically clean.
For example, medical offices must focus on cleaning high-traffic areas like drawers and door handles. They must also clean X-ray rooms and suturing areas.
There’s something energizing about a clean and organized office desk. It signals to the brain that work is going to get done. Unfortunately, that feeling usually only lasts for a day or two until the desk gets messy again and productivity decreases.
Start by removing everything from the desk that doesn’t have to do with daily work tasks. This includes paper, pens and pencils, and supplies that can be stored in a drawer or cabinet. Also remove any framed pictures or personal mementos and put them in storage until they can be evaluated during a separate organizing session.
Next, use a cleaning solution to wipe down the surface of the desk and any handles or knobs that are frequently touched. You can purchase disinfectant sprays at most office supply stores that are designed to kill germs and bacteria on surfaces. Let the surface dry completely before placing tools and supplies back on it. This will prevent the risk of damaging wood desks.

Restrooms are high-touch surfaces that can harbor bacteria and germs even after a thorough cleaning. The more people that use a restroom, the more germs and pathogens it may contain. Some of the most common pathogens found in restrooms include antibiotic-resistant staphylococcus, norovirus and E coli. To protect employees from exposure to cleaning chemicals, it’s recommended that staff wear personal protective equipment (PPE) including gloves, mask and goggles when cleaning a restroom.
Begin by pretreating all urinals and toilets with the correct disinfectant solution to reduce soiling. Next, clean the toilets and urinals using an approved cleaner/disinfectant and the appropriate brush or spray bottle. Next, sweep and mop the floors and walls with a proper dilution rate of a quality cleaning/disinfecting solution, such as AF315 or Quat-Stat. Lastly, empty trash cans and refill all soap, toilet paper and hand towel dispensers. Disinfectant spray like Betco Glybet II can be applied to the handles of all urinals, sinks and toilets as a final step.
Common Areas
Many offices have shared areas that employees and guests utilize, including breakrooms and restrooms. These spaces should be disinfected and sanitized daily to prevent the spread of germs throughout the office. This includes items like doorknobs, light switches, refrigerator and microwave doors, phones, etc.
When these areas are neglected, germs and crumbs can build up and attract pests. These particles can irritate the skin, eyes, and lungs of individuals and cause allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems.
To keep these shared areas clean, brooms and dustpans, sanitizers, paper towels, cleaning wipes, disinfectants, and other cleaners should be kept in one central location so they can easily be found when necessary. Keeping these tools on hand will also make it easier for employees to take responsibility for cleaning their own space as well. Setting up a schedule for when these tasks should be completed will help to eliminate confusion and ensure they are regularly completed. This will also encourage a more productive environment.
Reception Area
The reception area often gets the most foot traffic in a business. This means that the floors in this area will likely suffer more wear and tear. This may necessitate more frequent sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming. It also helps to have a bootscraper and effective door mats to reduce the amount of dirt that can be tracked into this area.
Unpleasant odors are another thing that should be avoided in the reception area. This includes food smells from break rooms or stale coffee. Consider using an oil burner or reed fragrance diffusers to keep the area smelling fresh.
If you have a small waste receptacle in the reception area, it is a good idea to minimize the magazines in this space. This will keep the area from becoming too cluttered and allow for a neater appearance. Visitors and customers will be more comfortable in a less-cluttered space, as well. They will feel like they are welcome in your business and that you take their needs seriously. Visit a professional at this location for office cleaning london.